Dr. "B" said, "There are a number of modalities one should be apprised of. I have said for over two years now, that for adults, they should consider 5,000 IU of vitamin D, daily. For infants under one year of age, after two weeks old, give COD liver oil daily in the form of just a few drops from an eye–dropper After three months of age, give a teaspoon or two daily; best to check with your pharmacist or physician for infants and small children.. This should be started now for all concerned persons. Pregnant women and nursing mothers should check with their health care provider." "The problem," he writes, "is that there is a time–delay for recognition of; say for example, the influenza virus, by the Second Line of Defense which incorporates:"The main point here is that the macrophages are cocked and primed from vitamin D to form Cathelicidin, a chemical that kills invading flu and colds and other microbes by boosting production of the antimicrobial compound (cathelicidin) that defends against germs by punching holes in external membranes of the invaders causing their machinery to leak out and thus, the invader dies." "While Seek and Recognize is being applied by the macrophages, cocked and primed with Cathelicidin, that has been increased from vitamin D formation, the microbial virus is beginning to make headway. And by the time one's entire immune system responds, involving the third arm of this Specific Resistance with specialized lymphocytes consisting of B cells and T cells and then antibiody formation, one is quite sick." "The important point of what follows," Dr. "B" continues, "is that what makes someone sick is the infectious dose, or in this case, the viral load. In other words, if you've got, for example, a thousand viruses, or 10,000 viruses, as an infectious dose, your chance of responding rapidly and healthily, immediately, has dropped down. However, if you can take some agent to reduce that viral load, say to only 1 or 2 viruses, and keep them in submission with this agent, giving your secondary arm of the immune system a chance to seek, search out, and destroy, you may never even know that you were infected. We may just have such an agent that may not have any adverse effects. It has been used in the Old Testament as well as the New Testament, to help control microbial growth in drinking water. See Colloidal Silver Below."
- Phagocytic white blood cells, which includes the macrophages.
- Inflammation and fever
- Antimicrobial substances
No more than fifteen minutes twice daily during the hours of 10:45 am To 11:30 am; and/or from 2:45 pm on, depending upon the latitude of the Sun for your geographical area. You do not want 15 minutes of Direct Rays falling on your body; or, any part of it. Then, damage starts accumulating in the form of wrinkling, aging, and skin cancers. Cholesterol in the body is also found under the skin in a different form, and when sunlight strikes the skin, the cholesterol in this form under the skin, is changed to Vitamin D, without damage to the skin, provided you follow the skin protection of no more than 15 minutes once or twice daily at the times given. You want only indirect rays when the Sun is still rising or setting. Keep in mind, no more than 15 minutes daily or 15 minutes twice daily for the Sun's healing rays! You do not want to be in the Sun without skin block between 11:30 am to 2:45/3:00 pm; otherwise, be without the sunblock. One can see, that as the Sun removes cholesterol in this form under the skin to Vitamin D, then more cholesterol is removed from the body to the skin being converted to Vitamin D; then, the cholesterol is in a dynamic state; that is, it is continuously removed. This is one way Dr. "B", has had patients with so-called high cholesterol but did not want to take the Statins, etc., from their physicians, lower their cholesterol count by doing "the Sun thing"!"In all, 90 percent to 95 percent of most people's vitamin D requirement comes from casual exposure to sunlight."—The Vitamin D Solution, Michael F. Holick, Ph.D., M.D.
From Dean Black
Boosting The Body's Processes
But sunlight does more than organize the body's rhythms. In laboratory animals, for example, a single exposure to ultraviolet light boosts the number of infection-fighting cells for up to three weeks. Sunlight can double the ability of certain cells to engulf bacteria, and it affects the rise and fall of cortisol, which influences immunity. These factors may help explain why a study of 4,000 male college students showed an inverse relationship between sunshine and colds, and why, in another study, "a 10-minute irradiation with ultraviolet light one to three times a week throughout the winter months resulted in a reduction in the frequency of colds [of up to] 40.3%. Light also affects reproductive behavior. Most labor begins at night reaching a peak around 3 A. M. Most stillbirths happen in the late afternoon. Sunlight stimulates testosterone, the male reproductive hormone, and the pineal gland, which the sunlight influences directly, controls maturation and the timing of puberty. Sunlight also penetrates far enough into our tissues to irradiate the blood passing through the capillaries that lie near the surface. And the quantity of blood in those capillaries is twenty to thirty times more than what the nearby tissues need. Sunlight helps stimulate the production of red blood cells, and it affects the number of blood platelets, the cells that allow clotting. It helps regulate urination, and by regulating urination, helps manage our balance of electrolytes like calcium, potassium, sodium, and phosphorous.
Helping To fight Disease
Sunlight helps other diseases as well. For example: Heart Disease. Rabbits fed a high cholesterol diet showed no cholesterol deposits as long as they got enough sun. Human subjects who got more sun saw their cholesterol levels drop by almost 13%. Blind people typically show higher cholesterol levels than sighted people, but after corrective surgery, their levels dropped to normal. And ultraviolet light has been shown to "dramatically" lower blood pressure, to increase the output of blood from the heart, and to increase the oxygen content of the blood. Obesity. Beef growers keep cattle out of the light to make them fatter, and experimental animals exposed to sunlight lose weight on a diet that causes nonexposed animals to gain it. Sunlight stimulates testosterone, the hormone responsible for muscle development, and it stimulates the thyroid, which boosts our metabolic rate. Osteoporosis. Elderly men who stayed indoors for a week began absorbing less calcium, apparently showing that "ultraviolet radiation . . . is necessary for adequate calcium metabolism." Even elderly people with high natural vitamin D intake show calcium deficiencies when they don't get enough sun. Mood Disorders.. Wintertime depression responds to bright-light therapy, as does ordinary depression. College students treated with sunlight showed more stable moods and "greater interest in their classwork." Multiple Sclerosis Multiple sclerosis is more prominent in the northern sections of the United where sunlight is least, and, in general, the farther people live from the equator, the more often it strikes. Alzheimer's Disease. Light relieves the Alzheimer's symptoms called "sundowning," in which patients become confused and agitated around sunset. Alzheimer's patients also show a degeneration of the eyes that could be light-related. Diabetes. Sunlight affects sugar metabolism, even to the point that it "appears to have an insulin-like effect." In 1951, a diabetic patient had cataracts removed, and "when the successful removal of the lenses permitted light to enter both eyes freely, all symptoms [of diabetes] disappeared without any further therapeutic measures." Tooth Decay. Children get more cavities in winter than in summer, and those children who live where it's sunniest get the fewest cavities of all. If hamsters eat a high-sugar diet while living under full-spectrum light, they develop only one-fifth the number of cavities—and with decay only one-tenth as severe—as hamsters exposed to ordinary fluorescent light. — Dean Black's Health & Wellness Report, 1993, Summer Edition
"In declaring EPA and DHA to be safe, the FDA neglected to evaluate their antithyroid, immunosuppressive, lipid peroxidative (Song et al., 2000), light sensitizing, and antimitochondrial effects, their depression of glucose oxidation (Delarue et al., 2003), and their contribution to metastatic cancer (Klieveri, et al., 2000), lipofuscinosis and liver damage, among other problems." For an even greater eye opener, Go Here To: The Great Fish Oil Experiment. After reading this, one can see why the masses, especially the physicians, are going to die like flies when The Great Event Comes!The unsaturated oil you ingest today in just a capsule or two; or, a tablespoon full of fish oil; or Krill oil, will take two years to get out of your system! And guess what it is doing all the time? Creating rancidity and Reactive Oxygen Species! And when these types of oils break down, they form prostanes, isoprostanes, and neuro–prostanes—all bad! Note:
The isoprostanes are prostaglandin-like compounds formed in vivo from the free radical-catalyzed peroxidation of essential fatty acids primarily arachidonic acid without the direct action of cyclooxygenase COX enzyme.
Superoxide Anion |
Produced by the electron transport chain and at other sites. Generates other reactive oxygen species but cannot diffuse far from the site of origin. |
Hydrogen Peroxide |
Not a free radical, but can generate free radicals by reaction with a transition metal (e.g., iron: Fe2+). Can diffuse into and through cell membranes. |
Hydroxyl Radical |
The most reactive species in attacking biological molecules. Produced by water in the presence of iron (Fe2+). |
Organic Radicals |
An organic free radical produced from RH (Polyunsaturated Lipid) by OH. attack. RH can be the carbon of a double bond in a fatty acid (resulting in -C.=C-) or RSH (organic thiol) (resulting in R-S.) |
Organic Peroxide Radical |
An organic peroxide radical, such as occurs during lipid degradation. |
Hypochlorous Acid |
Produced in bacteria during the respiratory burst to destroy invading organisms. |
Singlet Oxygen |
Oxygen with antiparallel spins. Produced at high oxygen tensions from the absorption of energy. Decays with the release of light. |
From: Chemical/Biological WarFare: How You Can Survive, 4th Edition, Page 34-35.
We used to recommend you consider the whey protein fraction, lactoferrin, now in capsule form. Previously you had to eat a lot of whey protein. Too many additives; hence, we do not recommend whey protein anymore! Lactoferrin increases the competitive inhibition in the intestinal tract by stimulating bifidus and other healthful forms of bacteria, bringing about a decrease in streptococcus, clostridium, E. coli, and other potentially harmful microorganisms. Lactoferrin also decreases the incidence of septic shock—sudden plunge in blood pressure due to an infection brought on by gram–negative bacteria. The gram–negative bacteria have a membrane that consists of phospholipids, lipoproteins, and lipopolysaccharides (LPS). This lipid portion, known as lipid A, constitutes the endotoxin that brings about the septic shock. Less endotoxin, less septic shock. Septic shock is the 13th leading cause of death in America and a leading cause of death for patients in intensive care. To reduce endotoxin, we suggest one to two teaspoons, drops twice daily; spread out of Cascara Sagrada. Do not take a tablespoon or two! It will not only reduce endotoxin flow to the liver and body; but, can be a good laxative. Lactoferrin not only enhances competitive inhibition, but the right form, apolactoferrin—that form lacking iron, as opposed to holo lactoferrin—that lactoferrin bound to iron, is the most powerful antimicrobial agent. Many disease–causing bacteria need free iron to grown and multiply, and with apolactoferrin present, the free iron becomes bound to the apolactoferrin, thereby resulting in strong inhibition of the pathogenic bacteria present in the cellular environment of the body; or, the bacteria being killed. Bacteria that are strongly or partly inhibited in apolactoferrin’s presence are cholera, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Candida albicans, and others. However, not all pathogenic bacteria that cause disease in their human host are affected by lactoferrin. The whey protein fraction inhibits a large array of gram–negative and gram–positive bacteria. It suppresses some intestinal parasites. Lactoferrin would tend to serve as an adjuvant to antibiotics and the immune system. Find whey without any addivitves, such as Carrageenan and modified food starch, if you can! References: Braude, P. 73, 397, 1796–1802
Tortora, 5th. Ed. pp. 397–8, 438.
…ibid.,6th ed., p. 430, TNF and IL–1 (fever).
Alcamo, 4th. Ed. p. 633. TNF, "a ... product of macrophages."
Life Extension, July 2000, pp. 24–29.
LE, ‘Disease & Prevention’, 2000.
The Directory of Life Extension Supplements, 2000. See Boswella. Principles of Pharmacology, Munson & Muller, 1995, Chapter 9, pp. 170–190.
Life Extension, January 2001, p. 49, p. 82
The Merck Veterinary Manual, 8th ed., p. 1819; re: ILs
- Naringin: Two Twice Daily.
- Apigenin: Two Twice Daily.
- Tendon Support Formula With Tendofit: Two Twice Daily
- Colloidal Silver drops were used on newborns to stop eye infections for years immediately after passing through the birth canal.
- Before and during the 1940s, Colloidal Silver was used intravenously by physicians to stop life threatening infections.
- It is used presently in Africa and is quite possibly saving lives from Ebola.
- We have told you on this Site to have Silvadene for the coming Chemical/Biological WarFare skin burns. It is used topically on the skin to fight infections.
Heavy Metals !
Dr. Alcamo's latest edition, Alcamo's Fundamentals of Microbiology, Jeffrey C. Pommerville, writes:Mercury, silver, and copper are called heavy metals because of their large atomic weights and complex electron configurations. They are very reactive with proteins, particular at the protein's sulfhydryl groups (–SH), and they are believed to bind protein molecules together by forming bridges between the groups. Because many of the proteins involved are enzymes, cellular metabolism is disrupted, and the microorganism dies. However, heavy metals are not sporicidal.Hold this thought! Let us now consider viruses. Without too much technicality, there are enveloped viruses and non–enveloped viruses. The influenza virus is enveloped. The enveloped virus is surrounded by a pliable membrane consisting of lipids and protein. And therein lies the problem for the virus. The H1N1 Swine Flu virus is enveloped. Non–enveloped viruses do not have lipids, only protein. This can be a problem for them too. Hold these thoughts too! Now, let's bring these thoughts together. It is definitely not wise to ingest mercury. However, one can drink silver in colloidal diminsions, such that it is absorbed nicely and attacks microbial proteins. One such would be colds and flu viruses. Dr. "B" suggests for those individuals not desiring to take the "experimental" H1N1 flu vaccine, to start on colloidal silver now. He makes no guarantees, but does feel that it will help one get through this. He does, as given above, suggest vitamin D. He recommends one get an inexpensive Colloidal Silver Generator. Check the Internet. Several are listed there. You want pure silver (99.999 %); otherwise, you could develope argyria — a harmless, permanent blue coloring of the skin.![]()
Drinking Impure Silver, Or Too Much, Can Do This To You.
Now, consider the immediate above in the following light: In The Tenth Edition, 2010, of Microbiology: An Introduction by Professors Tortora, Funke and Case, page 198 gives the following:Several heavy metals can be biocidal or antiseptic, including silver, mercury, and copper. The ability of very (emphasis by WebMasters) small amounts of heavy metals, especially silver and copper, to exert antimicrobial activity is referred to as oligodynamic action (oligo means few).Comment: Note the key word few. Many cases of argyria are caused by the overdoing of a good thing. Also, various writers have pointed out that argyria is caused by using impure silver, such as silver coins, spoons, jewelry, etc. We continue with Tortora, Funke, and Case:Centuries ago, Egyptians found that putting silver coins in water barrels served to keep the water clean of unwanted organic growths. This action can be seen when we place a coin or other clean piece of metal containing silver or copper on a culture on an inoculated Petri plate. Extremely small amounts of metal diffuse from the coin and inhibit the growth of bacteria for some distance around the coin. This effect is produced by the action of heavy metal ions on microbes. When the metal ions combine with the sulfhydryl groups on cellular proteins, denaturation results.The WebMaster's family drank several ounces in the morning and evening, for one week only. They did not over do it. And will resume with the following recommended doses of 1/2 to 1 teaspoon once or twice daily. They took steps to make sure they had pure silver. Children are advised no more than 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon once daily. The indications for colloidal silver ingestion would be for colds or flu. "As with any drug, if you are pregnant or nursing or have a serious illness, always contact your doctor before using" —TriMedica, a seller of colloidal silver. If you have concerns, do not do it, Dr. "B" advises.- Get A Colloidal Silver Generator:
- This One Uses Batteries, Not The Electric Grid.
- Then, Go Here, For One That Uses Batteries, As The Grid May Go, All Too Soon!
- Have an Israeli Gas Mask. Equipped With Oxygen.
Bone Health: Prevents Osteopenia, Osteoporosis, Osteomalacia, Rickets, and Fractures |
Cellular Health: Prevents certain cancers, such as prostate, pancreatic, breast, ovarian, and colon; prevents infectious diseases and upper-respiratory-tract infections, asthma, and wheezing disorders. |
Organ Health: Prevents heart disease and stroke; prevents type 2 diabvetes, periodontitis and tooth loss, and other inflammatory diseases |
Muscular Health: Supports Muscle Strength |
Autoimmune Health: Prevents multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes mellitus, Crohn's disease, and rheumatoid arthritis |
Brain Health: Prevents depression, schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease, and dementia |
Mood-Related Health: prevents seasonal affective disorder, premenstrual syndrome (PMS, also known as premenstrual tension), and sleeping disorders, elevates the sense of well-being |
Vitamin D
Animals require Vitamin D in the normal calcium and phosphorous metabolism necessary for healthy bone and tooth development. A deficiency leads to rickets, a disease in which the bones become soft and pliable, producing various deformities. One of the most interesting aspects of Vitamin D is that it is formed from a sterol precursor by exposure to ultraviolet radiation. One important sterol precursor is 7-dehydrocholesterol (itself produced enzymatically from cholesterol), which yields Vitamin D3. As implied by the D3 designation, there are various forms of Vitamin D. The D3 species (Cholecalciferol) is the form present in milk and fish-liver oils, both of which are major dietary sources of the vitamin. The D3 species can also be synthesized in the skin of animals. Because of this synthesis in skin tissue, adults receiving normal exposure to sunlight require less Vitamin D in the diet than infants. It is now established that after D3 or formation in the skin, the D3 species (carried in plasma) is converted in the liver and kidney to hydroxylated derivatives, which are even more active. Indeed, there is strong evidence that the major active form in the body is the 1,25-dihydroxy derivative.
It works this way: Vitamin D receptors for this hormone are everywhere in the body, not only in kidneys, bones, and intestines. They even exist in the brain, according to evidence. Serotonin, a mood altering hormone in the brain is stimulated by the active form of Vitamin D, 1, 25-dihydroxycholecalciferol. This is a reason that may help explain Vitamin D's action on reducing depression! This vitamin, turned hormone in the body, with its passage through two organs, the liver first; then, the kidneys next helps additionally against a bad attitude that is constant. The adipose, fat cells, of the body also have Vitamin D receptors. Fat is not static, but dynamic in the body. In this state of dynamism, they are metabolically active, and when the active form of Vitamin D is present, it stimulates the fat cells to release Leptin, which causes appetite suppression. Hence, the person who has enough of this hormone, Vitamin D, stimulates the release of another hormone from adipose tissues, Leptin. The latter signals the brain, saying: "Enough!" And, satiety reaches its limit; hence, the person does not 'gorge' and 'gorge' until miserable and he gains more and more weight and becomes fatter or more obese. Then, since the person is getting very adequate levels of Vitamin D, including the Sun, which helps with mood, memory, and depression; that person is better able to do and wants to do the exercise for the 'Pump' which helps stimulate B-endorphin which is released from the Stress-Response of the exercise, and dampens down pain. This can be the pain in/of life! Therefore, the pump which so many who have lifted weights; or, the runner; or just good calisthenics, are used to, try and get a good pump, which in turn—since getting this pump— stimulate the endorphins, especially B-Endorphin, altering one's mood; and hence, he feels good about 'Self'! Vitamin D3 turned hormone via the liver; then, the kidneys, can aid the elderly by increasing bone strength, reducing pain, and increasing muscle strength. And, when the Leptin hormone is balanced throughout the body, the elderly, as well as younger obese individuals, will—with a healthier diet and now, able to do exercise as their muscle strength increases, bone mass and bone strength is up too, as wide spread muscle weakness, joint and muscle pain is down, can do exercises again to promote this health giving 'hormone' for more efficiency of body and mind. One good source for Vitamin D3 is Sensible Sunning Time, from somewhere during this time 10:45 am to 11:45 am for 15 minutes; and again from 2:45 pm to 4pm or 5:30 pm, depending upon your Sun's Latitude and you can Sun Bathe for only 15 minutes or so.
- Alzheimers
- Schizophrenia
- Internal Cancers:
- Breast
- Colon
- Ovarian
- Pancreatic
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Type 2 diabetes,
- Arthritis,
- High Blood Pressure,
- Osteoporosis,
- Heart Disease, and
- Maybe...Insomnia
- Stroke
Sunlight destroys any excess Vitamin D that your body makes, so you could never become Vitamin D intoxicated from sun exposure. You would need to ingest more than 10,000 IU of Vitamin D a day for at least half a year to even begin to worry about potential toxicity from supplements. Symptoms of toxicity include nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, constipation, increased frequency of urination, increased thirst, disorientation, and weight loss. |
Vitamin D3 | Vitamin D2 |
As Soon As The Sun (Ultraviolet B Radiation) Strikes The Skin, 7-dehydrocholesterol—The Form Under The Skin, Known As 'Provitamin D' or Calcidiol, And/Or, Calcitriol, It Starts Forming... |
Also Known As Calciferol (ercalciol or ergocalciferol) |
Cholcalciferol (Vitamin D3). Also Known As Calciol |
Vitamin D2, Also Known As Ergocalciferol |
From Here, The Plasma Carries Vitamin D3 To The Liver, Which Converts It Into 25–hydroxycholecalciferol. |
And Here . . . 25–hydroxyvitamin D2 Is Ercalcidiol |
The Later Then Travels In The Plasma of The Animal Reaching The Kidneys, Forming... |
Goes Through Liver & Kidneys, Becoming A Hormone |
The Active Hormone...1,25–dihydroxycholecalciferol Is Calcitrol |
The Active Hormone of D2 Is 1,25–dihydroxyergocalcitriol |
When the Ozone layer, our protective layer of gas surrounding the Earth gets rolled back by The Galactic Plane, The Prophesied Comet; or, the Roiling Sun during this time, you may not know that the intensity of the Sun's Radiation is intensifying to dangerous levels until it is too late. He advises:
- UVA (320 to 400 nanometers). This radiation has less energy than UVB, but can penetrate to deep layers of the skin. . Here, it affects elastin which when damaged causes skin sag; or, commonly known as winkles. UVA also affects the melanocytes (pigment) and the immune system. Free radicals are increased throughout all this, causing damage. This form of ultraviolet radiation generates melanomas.
- UVB (281 to 289 nanometers) that is absorbed by DNA and proteins and penetrates less. It is the cause of tanning and causes the reaction between cholesterol and sunlight to begin to form the end product of 1,25–dihydroxycholecalciferol, the active hormone of Vitamin D3. Over a long period time of nonsensible sunning, monmelanoma skin cancer can be generated from UVB.
- UVC (200 to 280 nanometers) is germicidal at 253.7nm wavelength against microbial effects in water, on surfaces, and in the air.
"Tell your people who read The Kong Reports, to run with the meter during this chaotic time, as the denizens of the Arm of Orion may/will surface—with the others from above—and cause dimenishing of the O3 levels. Ozone protects all life on Planet Earth from receiving too much radiation unless they do unsensible sunning! When one runs he must periodically check the UV–B meter (UV Hawk) for increasing radiation intensity levels from our Star! Another Plastic 'Card' UV Meter we also use for checking for Ultraviolet Intensity coming from the Sun is The Sun Meter UV Card. We ignore the parts telling us when to use Sun Screen and What Type. Our main concern is with the UVI (Ultraviolet Index) levels. As we notice things changing in the heavens, the planet, no electricity, little to no food, and other signs in the sky and earth, early in the morning when the Sun is just rising, we take readings with the 'Hawk'. At 9:00 am, if the UVI reading is unusually high, say, around 11 or 12 for this time of day, and at noon it is off scale, and this is for the Card Too, then it is time for the following: Get Underground. Remember all that we spoke about several years back? Well, that time is about here! Have your people taken treks to the mountainous areas of the world to find and stake out a cave where it may be hard for another to find first?
He also writes, "A multi [vitamin tablet] won't do it." Note: Most who think they are eating Wild Salmon are actually getting Salmon that are farm-raised, fed Soy Pellets mixed with other things! Sellers often lie!To eat a sufficient amount of vitamin D [when he writes vitamin D, the author is referring to Vitamin D3] (1,000 to 2,000 IU), you'd have to consume three cans of sardines, drink ten to twenty glasses of fortified milk, gulp down ten to twenty bowls of cereal, snack on fifty to a hundred egg yolks, or eat seven ounces of wild salmon for dinner every night.
Often, teens and adults do not get quality sunlight; that is, sunlight during safe sunning hours and, hence—there is a Lepin deficiency because sunlight generates the active hormone of Vitamin D, that operates on Adipose Cells, fat tissues, and then, these fat cells generate Leptin that flows in the blood and courses through the body and to the brain telling the appestat to signal 'Fullness'! Therefore, no Sun...no Leptin...implies Fatness! And Overeating and Gorging!